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The easiest way to make tons of money online

Today’s Tip: Give expansion, sell compression.
There’s a foolproof strategy for making tons of money online.
Surprisingly, most business owners aren’t taking advantage of it.
Let’s break it down…
Here’s what most entrepreneurs do:
Step 1: Give 95% of knowledge away for free
Step 2: Charge for the last 5%…the ‘best stuff’ reserved for paying customers
It seems like this would be the optimal strategy…use all the free stuff to get people interested and then make them pay to unlock the secret sauce.
But this strategy is a massive mistake.
Let me explain…
The best way to get someone to pay you (any price you want) is when they are 100% sure you have the answer they’re looking for.
Trust is earned when clarity is gained.
By burying the last 5%, you’re putting a paywall between your prospective customer and clarity…this means you’re asking for money before they trust you.
This will cause a significant portion of potential customers to bounce, object, and freeze.
Instead, you should give 100% of the secret sauce away…for free.
This helps every potential customer unlock total clarity that you have the right answer.
Now for the ones that are self-starters, they will take your solution and figure out how to implement it for themselves…this is the value expansion.
You helped them expand their business for free (btw, they will love you forever).
This will work for about 5% of them.
You can sell compression to the other 95%.
Compression means decreasing the time it takes to go from A → Z on your solution.
You’re selling the time savings.
Self-starters may figure it out without your help, but they’ll have to go through all of the same mistakes you did.
You’ll be able to charge any price for compression once your buyer knows you have the solution and can see the ROI in avoiding the mistakes.
When you bury the sauce, you stall expansion and freeze trust.
When you give the sauce, you facilitate expansion, unlock trust, and offer compression.
This is why I give away my entire social media content playbooks for free to entrepreneurs on YouTube.
I know the answer, I’ve cracked it on every platform, and I’m giving it away for free to anyone that wants to spend thousands of hours figuring out how to implement it themselves.
But for those entrepreneurs that would rather avoid the mistakes and cut straight to the answer without the stress, I’m here to help.
Give expansion, sell compression.

PS - Speaking of compression, I help entrepreneurs install viral content systems. If you want to drive more free leads for your business, reply to this email with “leads” and I’ll add you to the waitlist (limited slots reopening soon in SFA).